Wednesday, June 30, 2010

EPU Tube Finished Today.

As of June 30th 2010 EPU Tube is now completed!

Thanks to all of you who watched and subscribed! More Peace videos will be made by us in the future, just search the names of all the great people involved and visit EPU's website and go if you can!

EPU Tube was a pilot programmed made by students of the European Peace University in Fall 2008. Passwords and documentation are with the EPU Admin now, so hopefully it continues in the future with the new EPU-Private University.

May peace be with you all!

EPUPU: Official Announcement

Dear EPU Alumni,
We are very happy and proud to tell you that, after a tremendous effort, much work and a long time of insecurity, EPU has finally been accredited as a private university by the Austrian Accreditation Council!! It’s new name is European Peace University (EPU) – Private University. There is also a new website, which we encourage you to visit and recommend to friends and colleagues: .
The old EPU – European University Center for Peace Studies
·         If you have not yet finished your academic work for EPU, please note that the ultimately last deadline for handing in all graded academic work with the EPU office (Anita Flasch, is 1 July 2010. Any academic work received after this deadline cannot be considered!
The new EPU – Private University
·         3 new MA& Certificate programs
MA or Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies (starting in Fall 2010)
MA or Certificate in European Peace and Security Studies (starting in Fall 2011)
MA or Certificate in Peacebuilding (starting in Fall 2011)
                The MA programs consist of 3 taught trimesters in Schlaining. Additionally, 1 trimesters is reserved for an internship, and the final trimester is dedicated to the writing of the MA
            thesis. Enrollment is possible in each fall trimester of a given academic year.
            The Certificate programs consist of 1 trimester attending courses and doing coursework in Stadtschlaining. Enrollment is possible in each trimester.
·         MA & Certificate Degrees
Those having done all the required coursework including the MA thesis are granted an MA degree of EPU – Private University. This degree is in line with the Bologna Process and recognized all over Europe. Those having fulfilled all the requirements of the Certificate program are awareded a Certificate of Attendance.
Further information can be found on the newly launched website .
Fall Trimester 2010 (26 September – 18 December)
The first trimester of the new EPU – Private University will be held in Fall 2010. We would be very grateful if you could disseminate information on EPU – Private University as widely as possible, and refer people interested to our website .
The new EPU – Private University preserves the special characteristics of the European University Center for Peace Studies which students loved and identified with, and combines it with the features of a full-fledged university. Thus, we now have an EPU that is improved, more up-to-date and a recognized academic institution.
We would like as many qualified people as possible to profit from this new and improved EPU – Private University. Therefore we count on you to help promote EPU and disseminate information on it within your circles.
Finally, we would like to sincerely thank you for having been our student, for your continuous support and for believing in EPU!!
Warm wishes from Stadtschlaining,
Gerald Mader, President
Alexandra Elbling, Secretary General & Director of Study Program
Ronald Tuschl, Director of Study Program
Mag. Alexandra Elbling
Secretary General
European Peace University (EPU) - Private University
Rochusplatz 1
7461 Stadtschlaining
Tel.: ++43 3355 2498 511
Fax: ++43 3355 2381
E-Mail: elbling@epu.