Friday, December 19, 2008

New Interviews Filmed!

Interviews have been conducted today with the Academic Director of EPU Dietrich Fischer, as well as Week 12 Lecturers Stella Sabiiti and Andrew Strauss! Keep an eye out for those in the coming weeks along with all the other exciting Fall 2008 footage!

EPU Fall 2008 Graduation Ceremony

Today was the final day of Fall Term 2008 at the European Peace University. It was decided not to film at the closing ceremony, however graduating student Christoph Ziegler has kindly provided his speech presented during the ceremony for our Blog viewers titled "What is EPU?" Thank you for sharing Christoph!

What is EPU
It was my last term and I want to share with you some of my thoughts and experiences, which are also yours.

What is Epu? What does it mean?

EPU is the spirit of hope for a better world
EPU is a protected environment to show and to deal with our weaknesses
EPU, especially House International is the most famous center in whole Burgenland for rumors and gossiping
EPU is a balancing act between sharing with the community and withdrawing to centre yourself
EPU is the challenge to deal with the temptations between men and women in House International and to handle different cultures and mentalities.
EPU is the tension and synthesis between high motivation and also frustration
EPU is a illusory family but also reality
EPU for a student is the feeling of having time for everything and on the other side the feeling of having no time for anything.
EPU is world politics in a ghost town.
EPU is the happy experience to find friends and the sad experience to say good bye to them.
EPU is located at the end of the world but after the study you are connected to the whole world
EPU creates in all of us a common vision: that´s a peaceful world and also a bigger kitchen in House International
EPU stands for wonderful people, who want to work for a peaceful world.
And concerning the future of EPU, whatever happens, the spirit of EPU will never die.

Christoph Ziegler

What is Conflict video uploaded!

A new video titled: 'What is Conflict?' has successfully been uploaded to EPU Tube!

This is an experimental peace education video created by EPU Students of Fall Term 2008. Based on the World Cafè methodology introduced to us by Fred Dubee in Summer 2008 term, this video brainstorm session starts from the question: 'What is conflict?' and expands from there!

This video is intended to give an introductory insight into the complexities of peace and conflict studies and the further questions that are raised, as a mind mapping tool for those wondering what Peace and Conflict Studies is about!

Enjoy, and tune in for more!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What IS EPU Tube?

The students will tell you in the Official Introduction video!

Introduction Video Text:
"EPU Tube is the online voice of the students of the European Peace University.

EPU-Tube is here to share, our experience, our dreams, our ideas for peace, our research, our projects, our challenges, our successes, our theses, our analyses, our hopes, our views, our stories, our goals for peace with the world.

The whole world needs peace education, now more than ever, and were glad to share these tools for peace with you.
Tune In!"

EPU Tube is a project originally developed by Adrian Kawaley-Lathan as part of his MA Thesis, tentatively titled: Communities of Peace and Beyond: Examining the Creation, Continuation and Extension of Communities & Cultures of Peace.

In short EPU Tube's goals are to:
•Share peace education with the world via the internet
•Keep EPU Students and Alumni connected
•Provide forum and debate about peace topics
•Provide reading and links to further knowledge
•Get valuable thesis, papers and ideas online and more accessible
•BLOG with outside world about inside EPU classes, discussions, topics
•Get handed down to each generation of EPU students as continuity
•Empower, engage, enable all people for achieving positive peace

The video channel for EPU Tube is:

EPU Tube is student run and thus the content is not directly affiliated with the European Peace University and its views as an organization. The website for the European Peace University is:

Stay posted for more details on structure, video topics and projects to look forward to, and so much more!

EPU Tube Begins!

Welcome everyone to the official Bog for the EPU Tube, the online voice of the students of the European Peace University!

We are reaching the end of the Fall Term 2008, but the video insights and memories from the term are still coming online, with many more to come when the Spring 2009 term starts in February. We have many videos being edited and many more uploading to be shared with the world, so keep your eyes on this blog or subscribe to our channel for updates!

Tune In!